The new year is a time to look forward to what people want to change and improve. I started a little early with this project, and I have been writing a good bit of public introspection. I have been making positive changes, but I also wonder if I am too focused on the physical objects around me. Am I making myself anti-minimalist by focusing so much on stuff? Would I be better off just donating things, getting them out of the house, and ignoring my third goal (of paying off the car early and getting ahead financially)?
I'm pretty sure I need to work all of my goals together. I won't feel completely at peace if part of my brain is still concerned about finances. I'd like to come up with a plan that makes more money than I get from ebay, but that would take too much from family time (and my unpaid profession of chauffeur to my kids). I've already cut expenses as much as I can (and keep our level of comfort), so that doesn't seem like a viable direction.
So no new goals, no new resolutions. I will continue trying to make the decisions that need to be made (hang my sweater in the closet now, don't leave it for later; figure out what to do with the hand lotion I was given at Christmas and get it off the counter). I will work on developing a schedule as soon as the holiday is over. I want to be focused and present when at home, and better planning should reduce my mental distraction. And sell off the excess, providing a clear space and financial boost.
What are your goals in the new year (or what are your goals a year from when you are when you read this)?
I am going to be taking the new year very seriously unlike the previous ones. I will jotting down my resolutions and will see to it that i follow through on them.